Top priority environment variable values

Multiple modulefiles may alter the same environment variable. It may be wanted that among those modulefiles one should have the priority over the others and the value it sets should persist even if another modulefile loaded after attempts to alter the variable.

When using the setenv modulefile command, a top priority value should persist over later setenv tries. On append-path modulefile command, this top priority value should stay last position and for prepend-path modulefile command, value should stay first position.


Top priority values are implemented by the use of a site-specific configuration that supersedes the definition of the setenv, append-path and prepend-path commands to introduce a --top argument. This argument enables a value set with this flag on to hold top priority and thus cannot be altered unless by another top priority value.

For append-path command, --top ensure value will stay at last position in path-like variable. Same goes for prepend-path where --top ensure first position in path-like variable.

# override 'setenv' procedure to add a '--top' optional argument
rename ::setenv ::__setenv
proc setenv {args} {
   set topPriority 0
   set errArgMsg "wrong # args: should be \"setenv ?--top? var val\""
   switch -- [llength $args] {
      {3} {
         if {[lindex $args 0] eq "--top"} {
            set topPriority 1
         } else {
            error $errArgMsg
         set var [lindex $args 1]
         set val [lindex $args 2]
      {2} {
         set var [lindex $args 0]
         set val [lindex $args 1]
      default {
         error $errArgMsg

   if {$topPriority} {
      # define an helper variable to know a top-priority value has been set
      if {[currentMode] ne "display"} {
         __setenv MODULES_PRIORITY_$var $val
      __setenv $var $val
   # set non-priority value only if no top priority value already set
   } elseif {![info exists ::env(MODULES_PRIORITY_$var)]} {
      __setenv $var $val

# override 'setenv-un' procedure to interpret the '--top' optional argument
# when setenv is evaluated on an unload mode
rename ::setenv-un ::__setenv-un
proc setenv-un {args} {
   set topPriority 0
   set errArgMsg "wrong # args: should be \"setenv-un ?--top? var val\""
   switch -- [llength $args] {
      {3} {
         if {[lindex $args 0] eq "--top"} {
            set topPriority 1
         } else {
            error $errArgMsg
         set var [lindex $args 1]
         set val [lindex $args 2]
      {2} {
         set var [lindex $args 0]
         set val [lindex $args 1]
      default {
         error $errArgMsg

   if {$topPriority} {
      # define an helper variable to know a top-priority value has been set
      if {[currentMode] ne "display"} {
         __setenv-un MODULES_PRIORITY_$var $val
      __setenv-un $var $val
   # set non-priority value only if no top priority value already set
   } elseif {![info exists ::env(MODULES_PRIORITY_$var)]} {
      __setenv-un $var $val

# override 'add-path' procedure to add a '--top' optional argument, which
# will benefit to the 'append-path' and 'prepend-path' modulefile commands
rename ::add-path ::__add-path
proc add-path {pos args} {
   set keep_top_priority 0
   set arglist [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $args "--top"]
   lassign [eval parsePathCommandArgs "add-path" $arglist] separator\
      allow_dup idx_val var path_list

   # top priority asked
   if {[llength $arglist] != [llength $args]} {
      # record this top priority value in an helper variable
      __setenv MODULES_PRIORITY_${pos}_$var $path_list
   } elseif {[info exists ::env(MODULES_PRIORITY_${pos}_$var)]} {
      set keep_top_priority 1

   # ensure top-priority value keeps first or last position by unloading it
   # priority new value addition, then restoring it
   if {$keep_top_priority} {
      eval __unload-path $var $::env(MODULES_PRIORITY_${pos}_$var)

   eval __add-path $pos $arglist

   if {$keep_top_priority} {
      eval __add-path $pos $var $::env(MODULES_PRIORITY_${pos}_$var)

rename ::unload-path ::__unload-path
proc unload-path {args} {
   set arglist [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $args "--top"]
   lassign [eval parsePathCommandArgs "unload-path" $arglist] separator\
      allow_dup idx_val var path_list

   if {[llength $arglist] != [llength $args]} {
      # wipe priority helper variable when unloading top priority value
      switch -- [lindex [info level -1] 0] {
         {append-path}  { set pos "append" }
         {prepend-path} { set pos "prepend" }
      if {[info exists pos]} {
         __setenv MODULES_PRIORITY_${pos}_$var $path_list

   eval __unload-path $arglist

Compatible with Modules v4.2


Create site-specific configuration directory if it does not exist yet:

$ mkdir /usr/share/Modules/etc

Then copy there the site-specific configuration script of this recipe:

$ cp example/top-priority-values/siteconfig.tcl /usr/share/Modules/etc/


Defined location for the site-specific configuration script may vary from one installation to another. To determine the expected location for this file on your setup, check the value of the siteconfig option on Modules version 4.3 or above:

$ module config siteconfig

On older version of Modules, check the modulecmd.tcl script:

$ grep '^set g_siteconfig ' $MODULES_CMD

Usage example

With a bar/1 modulefile that sets environment variables in a regular way:

# define a regular value for variable
setenv TESTVAR value

# prepend a regular value to a path-like variable
prepend-path TESTPATH prevalue

# append a regular value to a path-like variable
append-path TESTPATH postvalue

And a foo/1 modulefile that sets the same variables than bar/1 but with the --top priority flag:

# define a value for variable holding top priority (not overwritten by non-top priority value)
setenv --top TESTVAR topvalue

# prepend a value to a path-like variable, value that stays first position
prepend-path --top TESTPATH topprevalue

# append a value to a path-like variable, value that stays last position
append-path --top TESTPATH toppostvalue

Enable the modulepath where the example modulefiles are located:

$ module use example/top-priority-values/modulefiles

Load foo/1 then bar/1 modulefiles and check value of the environment variable set:

$ module load foo/1 bar/1
$ echo $TESTVAR
$ echo $TESTPATH