Testing Modulefiles

The following is an example for a ModulesTest proc of a Modulefile and its output. It checks whether the TESTDIR is a directory, checks that it can enter it, and whether a file TESTFILE can successfully be created there.

This code gets executed when you use the test command.


#%Module1.0 # -*- mode: tcl; -*-

proc ModulesTest { } {
    set retcode 1  ;# default: 1 meaning PASS

    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for directory existence..."
    if { [file isdirectory $::env(TESTDIR)] } {
        puts stderr "Is a directory: $::env(TESTDIR)"
    } else {
        puts stderr "ERROR: Is not a directory: $::env(TESTDIR)"
        set retcode 0
    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for directory existence...done"

    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for directory permissions..."
    set cmd { cd $::env(TESTDIR) }
    if { [catch $cmd errmsg] } {
        puts stderr "ERROR: Was not able to enter directory $::env(TESTDIR): ${errmsg}"
        set retcode 0
    } else {
        puts stderr "Was able to enter directory $::env(TESTDIR)"
    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for directory permissions...done"

    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for file creation..."
    set cmd { open $::env(TESTFILE) w }
    if { [catch $cmd errmsg] } {
        puts stderr "ERROR: Was not able to create file $::env(TESTFILE): ${errmsg}"
        set retcode 0
    } else {
        puts stderr "Was able to create file $::env(TESTFILE)"
    puts stderr "Running ModulesTest for file creation...done"

    return $retcode

setenv TESTDIR  /tmp/$::env(USER)/testdir
setenv TESTFILE $::env(TESTDIR)/testfile

Usage example

Enable the modulepath where the example modulefiles are located:

$ module use example/test-modulefiles/modulefiles

Run the test both with the test directory not existing and existing:

$ module test test_dir_and_file
Module Specific Test for .../modulefiles/test_dir_and_file:

Running ModulesTest for directory existence...
ERROR: Is not a directory: /tmp/testuser/testdir
Running ModulesTest for directory existence...done
Running ModulesTest for directory permissions...
ERROR: Was not able to enter directory /tmp/testuser/testdir: couldn't change working directory to "/tmp/testuser/testdir": no such file or directory
Running ModulesTest for directory permissions...done
Running ModulesTest for file creation...
ERROR: Was not able to create file /tmp/testuser/testdir/testfile: couldn't open "/tmp/testuser/testdir/testfile": no such file or directory
Running ModulesTest for file creation...done
Test result: FAIL
$ mkdir /tmp/$USER/testdir
$ module test test_dir_and_file
Module Specific Test for .../modulefiles/test_dir_and_file:

Running ModulesTest for directory existence...
Is a directory: /tmp/testuser/testdir
Running ModulesTest for directory existence...done
Running ModulesTest for directory permissions...
Was able to enter directory /tmp/testuser/testdir
Running ModulesTest for directory permissions...done
Running ModulesTest for file creation...
Was able to create file /tmp/testuser/testdir/testfile
Running ModulesTest for file creation...done
Test result: PASS