Modules Governance

This document describes the governance model of Modules project with the following roles defined:

  • Maintainers: form the Technical Steering Committee of Modules project

  • Collaborators: irregular contributors to Modules project

  • Former Members: former notable contributors and project leads



  • Review and merge contributions

  • Set project's technical direction

  • Create Modules releases

  • Do administrative operations

Current Roster


Modules project is currently looking for additional Maintainers.


Collaborators are irregular contributors to Modules project. They are expected to adhere to the quality practices of the project described in the Contributing guide.

Collaborators are acknowledged in GitHub contributor tracking and Modules release notes.

Former Members

Former members are those who notably contributed to Modules project and Modules would not be what it is without their contributions. Former members have no specific role in the governance of the Modules project. Instead, they are acknowledged in GitHub contributor tracking, the Modules documentation and cited in Modules release notes.