lint sub-command
Goal is to provide a lint
sub-command to check syntax of
configuration option defines linter program to use and its optionsnagelfar.tcl
is the default--with-tcl-linter
installation options help to change this default at installation timeWhen changed with
environment variable is set
Tcl linter program defined is checked for existence by
scriptUse fully qualified path resolved if found
Print a warning message if not found
No error if not found as
is not the central use caseCould be configured or installed after Modules installation
installation option defines if Nagelfar-specific syntax databases and plugins to lint modulefiles have to be installed.Specific syntax databases and plugins to lint modulefiles, modulerc and global/user rc are not enabled if this option is disabled
installation option defines where to install Nagelfar-specific files to lint modulefiles.
Sub-command properties
General properties:
Shortcut name: none
Accepted option:
Expected number of argument: 0 to N
Accept boolean variant specification: no
Parse module version specification: yes
Fully read modulefile when checking validity: no
Sub-command only called from top level: yes
Sub-command acts similarly than edit
Resolves each specification passed as argument to a single modulefile
Modulefile could be specified with icase, extended_default and advanced_version_spec features
But no boolean specification, as we are looking for modulefiles, not a module variant
Call an external command over the resolved modulefiles
In case no argument is provided, it means to select everything:
Every global and user rc file
Every .modulerc and .version files in enabled modulepaths
Every available modulefiles in enabled modulepaths
Include modules declared forbidden
option set also select all hidden modulefiles in enabled modulepaths
Arguments could also be a file path:
need to distinguish if it is a global/user rc file, a modulerc or a modulefile to accurately lint designated file
file is considered a global/user rc file if file path corresponds to user or global rc file location
file is considered a modulerc if filename equals
otherwise file is considered a modulefile
Processing is aborted as soon as one lint command execution fails
Nagelfar linting
Analyze full content of designated files
It does not evaluate files sourced by designated files
is enabled (default) a specific syntax database and plugin is added to the Nagelfar command line to lint specified file depending on its type (global/user rc, modulerc or modulefile)Modulefile command, their options and syntaxes are checked based on this file type
Since not the same command set can be used in global/user rc file, in modulerc and modulefile
Report output
New message block:
Linting <modulefile>
All messages produced by Nagelfar reported under modulefile message block
Parse Nagelfar messages to report in a structured way:
<SEVERITY> line <line_number>: message
Message is output as a block in case it consists of several lines
All message prefix (prior
) is highlighted based on severityNagelfar severities mapped to Modules severities:
W = WARNING (sgrkey: wa)
E = ERROR (sgrkey: er)
N = NOTICE (sgrkey: in)
Output and verbosity levels:
By default, do not output message block if no message to report for modulefile
If verbose mode set, report empty block if no linting message
If silent mode set, report nothing, exit code helps to know if linter has reported error