Inhibit output of informative messages

Since Modules v4.2, additional module load or unload triggered by the load or the unload of a modulefile are reported to the user to help understand what happened automatically. These informative messages may not be desired sometimes and here is a proposed way to inhibit them.


A site-specific configuration script is proposed to inhibit the output of the info-level messages.

set g_inhibit_inforeport 1 ;# Non-critical info reporting disabled if == 1

# override 'reportInfo' procedure to inhibit messages if g_inhibit_inforeport
# is set to 1
proc reportInfo {message {title INFO}} {
   if {!$::g_inhibit_inforeport} {
      # use reportError for conveniance but there is no error here
      reportError $message 0 $title 0

Compatible with Modules v4.2


Create site-specific configuration directory if it does not exist yet:

$ mkdir /usr/share/Modules/etc

Then copy there the site-specific configuration script of this recipe:

$ cp example/inhibit-report-info/siteconfig.tcl /usr/share/Modules/etc/

Usage example

With a bare bar modulefile:


And a foo modulefile that pre-requires bar:

prereq bar

Enable the modulepath where the example modulefiles are located:

$ module use example/inhibit-report-info/modulefiles

Load foo with auto handling mode enabled. The info-level message inhibition should let foo load quiet:

$ module load --auto foo