Release notes

This file describes changes in recent versions of Modules. It primarily documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.

Modules 4.1.2 (2018-03-31)

  • Add an example global rc file in contrib/etc directory that ensures MODULEPATH is always defined.
  • Check HOME environment variable is defined on savelist and is-saved commands or raise error if not.
  • Fix saving of deep module default version in collection when version pinning is disabled: if foo/bar/version is default version for foo, collection will retain just foo (was retaining foo/bar).
  • Enable to save and restore collections containing full path modulefiles eventually with no modulepath defined.
  • Run puts command not related to stderr or stdout channels in calling modulefile context to correctly get access to the targeted file channel. (fix issue#157)
  • Quote autoinit result for eval interpretation on SH-kind shells to avoid parameter expansion to randomly occur on generated code depending on file or directory names of current working directory. (fix RH bug#1549664)
  • Ignore empty elements found in MODULEPATH, LOADEDMODULES or _LMFILES_ to ensure all elements in these variables are non-empty strings.
  • Raise error if loaded environment is in an inconsistent state when calling commands requiring correlation of information from the LOADEDMODULES and the _LMFILES_ environment variables. Error raised on load, unload, switch, reload, purge, list, save and restore commands. May affect info-loaded or is-loaded commands if module passed as argument to these command is specified as a full path modulefile.
  • Fix list command to process loaded modules information before performing any content output.
  • Install: adapt configure script and Makefiles to support installation on Cygwin system.
  • Detect terminal width on Windows cmd terminal with mode command.
  • Improve Windows cmd shell support: error code returned, echoing text, shell alias creation and removal, working directory change.
  • Raise error when an empty module name is passed to module sub-commands like load, display or unload.
  • Raise error when an empty collection name is passed to module sub-commands like save, saveshow or restore.
  • Raise error when an empty path is passed to module unuse sub-command, like already done on use sub-command.
  • Clear argument list if an empty module command name is passed.
  • Fix module function definition for all shells in autoinit command to correctly handle empty-string parameters or parameters containing white-spaces, quotes, escape characters.
  • Fix module function definition for Python to accept being called with no argument.
  • Fix parameter expansion on module function for all SH-kind shells when quarantine mode is activated.
  • Escape \ character when producing R shell code.

Modules 4.1.1 (2018-02-17)

  • Make separator lines, used on display command result for instance, fit small screen width.
  • Install: give ability to build and install Modules from git repository without documentation if sphinx-build cannot be found.
  • Install: adapt configure script and Makefiles to support installation on FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X systems. (fix issue#147)
  • Rework code generated by autoinit for sh-kind shells to avoid use of local variables as those are defined differently through the sh variants. (also fix issue#147)
  • Init: use a default value on undefined variables in sh-kind scripts to avoid unbound variables in bash -eu mode. (fix issue#151)
  • Correctly detect terminal column number on Solaris.
  • Init: fix csh init script to get compatibility with pure csh shell
  • Sanitize content of MODULEPATH before using it at run-time, to make potential relative paths absolute, remove trailing slashes, etc. (fix issue#152)
  • Check loaded modulefiles still exists before displaying statistics on them during a list action.
  • Use a specific reference counter variable name (MODULES_MODSHARE_<VAR> instead of <VAR>_modshare) for DYLD-specific variables. (fix issue#153)
  • No error raise when updating a DYLD or LD path-like variable on OS X when System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled. In this situation, these variables are not exported in subshell context, so they appear undefined.
  • Init: protect arguments passed to the _moduleraw sh function from interfering content of current working directory. (fix issue#154)
  • Install: move hostname RPM requirement to the compat sub-package.
  • Start pager process only if some text has to be printed. (partially fix issue#146)
  • Ignore PAGER environment variable to configure Modules pager to avoid side effects coming from a general pager configuration not compatible with Modules pager handling. (fix issue#146)
  • Do not blank anymore default Modules pager options if default pager is less when the LESS environment variable is defined. (fix issue#146)


With this bugfix release, changes have been made on the pager setup to avoid side effects coming from the system general pager configuration. As a result PAGER environment variable is now ignored and MODULES_PAGER should be used instead to adapt Modules pager configuration at run-time.

Modules 4.1.0 (2018-01-15)

  • Extend stderr output redirection on sh-kind shells to all terminal-attached shell session, not only interactive shell session.
  • Extend shell code produced by the autoinit command to perform the same environment initialization as done in init shell scripts (default value set for module-specific environment variables, parse or source of configuration files).
  • Make init shell scripts rely on autoinit command to define the module command and setup its default environment.
  • Fix error rendering code for Tcl shell by producing a call to the error procedure.
  • Introduce pager support to handle informational messages, using less command with -eFKRX options by default. Environment variable MODULES_PAGER or PAGER may be used to supersede default pager command and options. --paginate and --no-pager switches enable or disable pager from the command line.
  • Install: add --with-pager and --with-pager-opts configure options to define default pager command and its relative command-line options.
  • Introduce quarantine mechanism to protect module execution against side effect coming from the current environment definition. Variables whose name has been put in MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE will be emptied or set to the value hold by MODULES_RUNENV_<VAR> in the modulecmd.tcl run-time environment. Quarantine variable original value is then restored within modulecmd.tcl execution context once it has started.
  • Install: add --with-quarantine-vars configure option to define at build time the MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE and MODULES_RUNENV_<VAR> environment variables set in initialization scripts.
  • Add MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG environment variable to disable on sh shell and derivatives any xtrace or verbose debugging property for the duration of either the module command or the module shell initialization script. (fix issue#121)
  • Change error code produced by modulecmd.tcl for the Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, CMake and R scripting languages to return a ‘false’ boolean value in case of error rather raising a fatal exception.
  • Adapt module function definition for Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, CMake and R scripting languages to always return a value, result of the modulecmd.tcl run. When modulecmd.tcl run does not produce a specific status, a ‘true’ boolean value is returned. On CMake, resulting value is returned though a module_result global variable.
  • Spool content sent to the stdout channel with puts command during a modulefile interpretation, to effectively transmit this content to stdout after rendering the environment changes made by this modulefile. (fix issue#113)
  • Introduce append-path, prepend-path, remove-path and is-loaded module sub-commands, based on existing modulefile-specific Tcl commands. (fix issue#116)
  • Introduce is-saved, is-used and is-avail modulefile Tcl commands and module sub-commands to test availability of collection, modulepath or modulefile.
  • Raise error when a call to path or paths module sub-commands is attempted during a modulefile interpretation. Both commands now return text rather print text on scripting languages. An empty string is returned in no match case instead of a false boolean value.
  • Introduce module-info loaded modulefile command and its module sub-command counterpart info-loaded. This new command returns name of the modules currently loaded corresponding to the name passed as argument. (fix issue#3)
  • Fix is-loaded command to correctly handle multiple module names passed as argument (fix issue#138)
  • Support no argument on is-loaded, is-saved and is-used commands to return if anything is respectively loaded, saved or used.
  • Interpret module source command set in modulefile in unload mode when the modulefile itself is interpreted in this mode.
  • Consider a modulefile passed with name starting by ./ or ../ a full path name modulefile, like those starting by /. These kind of names are converted to absolute path names, for instance to register them in loaded modulefile list during a load command.
  • Correlate modulefile passed as full path name (starting by either ./, ../ or /) to already loaded modulefile registered with regular module name (file name without its modulepath prefix) to prevent for instance from loading twice same modulefile. Correlate in the same way regular module name to already loaded full path name modulefile.
  • Introduce MODULES_COLLECTION_PIN_VERSION environment variable to record modulefile version number when saving collections even if version corresponds to the default one. (fix issue#89)
  • Fix location of etc/rc global RC file to @prefix@/etc/rc instead of $MODULESHOME/etc/rc not to depend on MODULESHOME environment variable value.
  • Strengthen argument check for append-path, prepend-path and remove-path modulefile Tcl commands and module sub-commands. Raise error if argument list is not correct.
  • Fix support for the --delim=C argument form on append-path, prepend-path and remove-path commands.
  • Fix path reference counter handling in case path element is an empty string. Distinguish an empty path element from a variable set empty to clear it.
  • Pass multiple path elements separated by delimiter character as one string on append-path, prepend-path and remove-path commands.
  • Accept multiple path element arguments on append-path, prepend-path and remove-path commands.
  • Introduce the --duplicates argument option to append-path and prepend-path commands to add a path element already registered in variable.
  • Introduce the --index argument option to remove-path command to delete a path entry by passing its position index in variable.
  • Provide the ability to setup a site-specific configuration sourced at the start of modulecmd.tcl main procedure. This configuration is a Tcl script named siteconfig.tcl which enables to supersede any Tcl definition made in modulecmd.tcl. Location of this file is controlled at configure time with the --etcdir option.
  • Add the ability to handle paths containing reference to environment variable in MODULEPATH. When these kind of paths are used by module command, the variable references are converted to their corresponding value or to an empty string if they are not defined.
  • Enclose value set to environment variable on Tcl within curly braces rather double quotes to protect special characters in it from interpretation.
  • Correctly parse .modulespath initialization file to handle lines without any # character or to handle files with no content to extract.
  • Re-introduce the --enable-versioning configure option, which appends Modules version to installation prefix and deploy a versions modulepath shared between all versioning enabled Modules installation. A modulefile corresponding to Modules version is added to the shared modulepath and enables to switch from one Modules version to another.
  • Fix removal of CMake generated temporary script file by stripping newline character from script file name.
  • Add MODULES_CMD environment variable to expose path to the currently active module command script. This variable is set at initialization time.
  • Introduce modulecmd wrapper script, installed in binary directory, which executes the active module command.
  • Fix modulefile Tcl interpreter reset when handling list variables. (fix issue#145)
  • Introduce ‘module-virtual’ modulefile Tcl command to associate a virtual module name to a modulefile. This module can be located with its virtual name and the associated modulefile is the script interpreted when loading, unloading, etc.
  • Resolution of relative paths occurring during a modulefile interpretation to target a modulefile or a modulepath now takes the directory of the currently interpreted modulefile as the current working directory to solve the relative paths.

Modules 4.0.0 (2017-10-16)

Starting with this release, modules-tcl has become Modules. The following changes describe the differences with last modules-tcl release (1.923). To learn about the changes between this release and last Modules 3.2 release, please see the MIGRATING document.

  • Relax constraint on command-line argument position so options and switches can be passed either before or after command name.
  • Report unsupported option warning rather stop on error when compatibility-version specific command-line switches are passed ( --force, --human, --verbose, --silent, --create, --icase, --userlvl).
  • Keep empty module load line in shell configuration files after running the initrm or initclear commands.
  • Always return the value of tcl_platform(osVersion) for uname release
  • Optimize code output, for Perl to only return 1; once for a no-operation situation and for Python to not import os when there is only an error to render.
  • Use value of system command uname -n for uname nodename.
  • Add support for CMake shell
  • Ignore / character used as suffix in modulefile name passed on command line.
  • Rename Perl initialization script in and Python in
  • Add support for Ruby shell (with contribution from Tammo Tjarks)
  • Add support for R shell (with contribution from Roy Storey)
  • When a default is set for a given module name, target modulefile can be referred on as modulename/default in addition to just modulename.
  • Locate symbolic versions on avail command even these symbols are set over a module alias or another symbolic version. In this situation the symbol spread along the resolution path until reaching a modulefile.
  • Define a more standard shebang on modulecmd.tcl script.
  • Determine modulefile corresponding to given module name using the loaded context only on unload situation.
  • Enable to unload mod/dir/subdir/vers when unload of mod or mod/dir asked. Was previously working only if deep module to unload was also the default version for these root names.
  • Make -l/-t switches mutually exclusive. Last switch mentioned on the command-line is honored.
  • Output parsable modulepath header when -l/-t switches are enabled.
  • When searching for a module in a given modulepath directory, if a module alias or a symbolic version matches searched module but the target of this alias or symbol is not found in current modulepath directory, search for this target restarting search from the first modulepath in list to ensure modulepath priority.
  • Solve aliases or symbolic versions looking for all modulepaths on search and paths commands. Was previously solved if their target was found in same modulepath directory.
  • Add support for hidden dot modulefiles. A hidden modulefile does not appear in case of wild search, it is only returned when search is about its exact name.
  • No table header print in –long mode on an avail command if no result are returned.
  • Add blank line between displayed list of elements, for instance between modulepath content on avail command.
  • Improve readability of error messages encountered during modulefile execution by putting Tcl error message first after the Module ERROR prefix.
  • Do not exit immediately when an internal error occurs in currently interpreted modulefile. Consider this interpretation as failed and continue to proceed the other modulefile arguments.
  • When multiple modulefiles are passed on display, help and test commands only output one separator line between 2 interpreted modulefiles.
  • Fix environment settings stack handling issue when restoring stack after a failed attempt to load a modulefile in a modulefile.
  • Failed attempt to load or unload a modulefile within a modulefile now leads to this upper modulefile load or unload failure. Previously upper modulefile were loaded respectively unloaded even if its dependent sub-modulefile failed to load or unload.
  • During a switch command, if the unloading part fails the loading part will not be tried. Unloading part fails if module to unload does not exist or its unload interpretation raise error.
  • Init: use module source rather shell command source to load modulerc system configuration in sh-kind, csh-kind and fish shell init scripts.
  • Install: transform configuration options to bind to an existing compatibility Modules version into option (–enable-compat-version) to build and install this compatibility version along with main version.
  • Init: adapt initialization scripts to handle both main and compatibility version. By default a shell script enables main version and if the environment variable MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION is set to 1, the compatibility version is enabled instead of main version.
  • Install: import from compatibility version and install add.modules and mkroot utility scripts (scripts developed by R.K. Owen).
  • Install: update RPM spec file to handle compatibility version as a compat sub-package.
  • Add completion script for Fish shell (contribution from BEFH).
  • Doc: extend content of diff_v3_v4 to details all noticeable changes between v3.2 and v4.0.
  • Doc: introduce MIGRATING guide to learn the major changes when moving from v3.2 to v4.0.
  • Fix list command when full pathname modulefile is loaded (fix bug#132)
  • Install: handle version number though git tags in scripts, documentation and RPM spec file.
  • Doc: migrate documents from POD format to reStructuredText to benefit from Sphinx documentation framework and Read The Docs publishing capabilities.

Above changes describe the differences with modules-tcl release 1.923. To learn about the changes between Modules 4.0 and last Modules 3.2 release, please see the MIGRATING document.

modules-tcl-1.923 (2017-07-20)

  • Fix aliases command when a global or user RC file is set.
  • Find and solve global or user RC aliases and symbolic versions on search, whatis and paths commands.
  • Do not look at currently loaded modules to resolve the target of a module alias.
  • Rework default and latest versions search on avail command. Correct display when at a given level a sub-directory element is last element in directory among modulefiles. Previously sub-directory was printed but last file among modulefiles was also printed (2 latest versions at the same level). A directory tagged “default” does not appear anymore in default listing result as its content (the default version found in that directory) will be displayed.
  • When an alias is set and overrides name of an existing directory, take this alias into account for default and latest choice and ignore directory content.
  • Bad default set will lead to no result displayed for the corresponding module in case of default avail display.
  • Correct inclusion of aliases in output result when these aliases are not part of the exact same module path than module path of the search.
  • Rewrite existing shell initialization file with initadd, initprepend, initswitch, initrm and initclear commands rather than writing a new file then copying this new file to replace the existing initialization file. In addition only re-writes shell initialization file if its content need to be altered.
  • Raise an error on initadd, initprepend, initswitch, initrm and initclear commands when no module load line are found in shell initialization file.
  • Normalize error messages for the various collection-related commands when collection cannot be accessed.
  • Cleanup existing reference counters of a path list variable when this variable is altered by a setenv or an unsetenv command.
  • Init: do not pollute tab-completion with moduleraw command. (Bert Wesarg)
  • Make use of the same Tcl interp for each modulefile interpretation and use another one for each modulerc (but the same for each modulerc). By doing so we proceed like on C-version where same interpreter is used across modulefile or modulerc interpretation. Huge performance improvement is achieved with this change on commands making intensive use of interp like avail. Interpreter state is reset from one interpretation to another: the initial variable and procedure state is restored before each new interpretation to avoid spread of definitions from one interpretation to another. Also in case of nested interpretation each interpretation level has its own interpreter so a module loaded by another does not influence the interpretation of the module loading it.
  • Improve performance of aliases and symbolic versions resolution by computing these resolution at definition time. As a consequence resolution loop are not registered anymore and produce an error message when spotted not at display time.
  • Reduce number of access system call by trying access to modulefile when reading the content of a modulefile directory rather testing access before trying it.
  • No error raise on empty argument list for load. To cope with initadd behavior that requires at least an empty module load line in startup files. (fix SF bug#88)
  • Fix initadd to handle load line without trailing space. Was previously expecting load directive to be written “module load ” to get a match. With fix, module load line will also be matched.
  • Like C-version catch raised error when break or continue are called from outside of a loop to handle them as when they are called from modulefile main body. (fix SF bug#87)
  • Return error on module use command when an empty path string is provided rather ignoring it.
  • Workaround min and max functions and lreverse procedure for correct operations under Tcl version 8.4.
  • Install: add –with-tclsh configure option to give the ability to choose the Tcl interpreter shell to setup in initialization scripts.
  • Handle error raised from the ModulesDisplay, ModulesHelp and ModulesTest procedures in the same way than for the evaluation of the modulefile content. An error occurring during the evaluation of the modulefile content will lead to no evaluation of the display, help and test command specific functions.
  • Remove debug module command
  • Doc: describe path, paths and autoinit module command.
  • Correct use of xrdb tool when not installed in default path.
  • Fix init* module commands to behave more like C-version and document remaining differences in diff_with_c-version.
  • Init: make sh init script closer to POSIX specification to support sh flavors different than Bash or Zsh like Dash.
  • Fix column-mode display for very short width terminal.
  • Install: introduce an install non-regression testsuite which is triggered by the make testinstall command and checks modules-tcl installation is operational.
  • Init: fix modulerc load test on fish init script.
  • Init: fix interactive shell test on sh init script.
  • Install: add –enable-example-modulefiles configure option that install by default some modulefiles provided as example in the system modulefiles directory.
  • Install: when uninstalling, do not remove modulefiles directory if it is not empty.
  • Add completion script for Zsh shell.
  • Add module test command to trigger when called execution of a ModulesTest procedure in target modulefile following same kind of mechanism than module help.

modules-tcl-1.832 (2017-04-29)

  • Fix getenv sub-command to correctly return environment variable value.
  • Clarify in man-pages display of module alias and symbolic version-name on avail command and management of file access issue when locating modulefiles.
  • Distinguish access issue (permission denied) from find issue (cannot locate) when trying to access directly a directory or a modulefile as done on load, display or whatis commands. In addition on this kind of access, not readable .modulerc files are ignored rather producing a missing magic cookie error.
  • When mode is set to unload, module load commands in modulefile are interpreted as module unload commands. To guaranty correct behavior regarding requirements, the module list passed to the load command is reversed to unload the modulefiles in the reverse order than they have been loaded.
  • Correct display command to only report module commands set in modulefile and not those set in the various .modulerc on the path toward this modulefile.
  • Fix bash and tcsh completion scripts to eliminate symbolic version names from avail command result.
  • Improve avail command when a symbolic version-name is passed as argument to return the modulefile target of this symbolic version-name.
  • When looking for an implicit default in a directory, now a module alias is taken into account so it can be returned as the last element in it (highest numerically sorted version).
  • Fix list command to correctly display the default tag along loaded modules when set via a .version file.
  • Fix long output of list command to display the symbolic version-names associated to each loaded module if any.
  • Improve avail command to return alias module when an alias name is passed as argument.
  • On a --default listing, a modulefile does not appear anymore if a directory is set default at the same level. On a --latest listing, a directory does not appear anymore if set default but not the latest.
  • Read modulerc and validate its header in a single open/read/close sequence instead of two in order to reduce to number of IO operations during an avail command.
  • Drastically reduce grid size computation time which removes overhead when displaying module avail results in column-mode.
  • Translate module name to currently interpreted module name when name correspond to the last part this interpreted module only in case of symbolic version-name or alias resolution.
  • Avoid resetting regular path (/usr/bin) or manpath (/usr/share/man) when switching from Tcl to C version in switchml utility.
  • Raise error on x-resource if DISPLAY environment variable is not set.
  • Fix lisp init script which was broken for environment change actions.

modules-tcl-1.775 (2017-03-07)

  • Improve README with examples, requirements, links, etc. Also update INSTALL documentation with details on the new configure/make/make install process.
  • Add display of a release date next to the version number when calling for --help or --version.
  • Update diff_with_c-version document to describe the features of the Tcl-version that are not supported on the C-version. Also state that the diff takes C version 3.2.10 against Tcl version 1.729 as a basis.
  • Introduce switchml tool, a shell function (or alias for csh or tcsh shells) that swap currently enabled Modules version (C or Tcl) by the other version (C or Tcl). Configure option --with-cver-initdir must be defined to enable switchml in initialization script.
  • Define a PATH and MANPATH in shell initialization scripts that point to the defined modules-tcl installation directories.
  • Give ability to generate distribution tarball from the git repository with Makefile dist target.
  • Introduce an installation process for this software following the configure/make/make install fashion. Configure step enables to choose installation paths and init scripts features to activate. Make step mainly translates init scripts with the configuration set. Make install creates target directories and copy files into them.
  • Fix MODULESHOME setup in autoinit command to define it as an absolute path and set it to the upper directory when modulecmd.tcl is located in a bin or a libexec directory.
  • Correct alias and version resolution on avail command which was erroneous in case of a modulefile holding symbols (like default) and targeted by aliases. Avail output was showing the aliases holding the symbols instead of the modulefile.

modules-tcl-1.729 (2017-02-01)

  • Add documentation in module(1) man page on the modulefile collection concept and the relative save, restore, saverm, saveshow and savelist commands.
  • Add document to list the differences of the functionalities that can be found on the C-version of the Modules package compared to the Tcl-version.
  • Improve modulecmd.tcl shebang to only search tclsh once if found in PATH.
  • Add module-info mode check against remove and switch values.
  • Introduce module-info command Modules-specific Tcl command to distinguish complex load or unload commands that cannot be determined with module-info mode alone. For instance a modulefile can now be aware that a switch, a restore or a purge command is currently being run.
  • Enable usage of module-info Modules-specific Tcl command from a modulerc file.
  • Fix module-info specified Modules-specific Tcl command.
  • No exit raise on modulefile or modulerc error during avail, aliases, whatis and search commands to avoid harming results from these global commands if error exists in a few modulefiles.
  • Exit with error code when a critical error is encountered when interpreting a modulefile or a modulerc.
  • Inhibit non-critical error report raised from modulefiles during avail, aliases, whatis and search commands to avoid error flood when parsing all modulefiles or modulercs.
  • Handle multiple lines of module-whatis Modules-specific Tcl commands defined for the same modulefile.
  • Handle multiple arguments passed to the module-whatis Modules-specific Tcl commands. They are joined to get a single line of text.
  • Return error on whatis command if searched modulefile is not found.

modules-tcl-1.704 (2017-01-20)

  • Set path variable counter to 1 for paths without a known reference count (was previously set to 999999999).
  • Introduce envml utility which acts as an application launcher where module commands are instantiated to setup environment before launching the given application.
  • Always register paths provided to be part of MODULEPATH environment variable as absolute paths to get independent from the current working directory.
  • Inhibit next modulefiles interpretation with exit Modules-specific Tcl command only if current mode is load.
  • Add argument to module-info shell and module-info shelltype to test current shell or shelltype value.
  • Fix use of default version-name to not consider it as a module symbol if a modulefile is named default.
  • Fix path variable counters when : character is used in elements of a path-like variable.
  • Update module(1) and modulefile(4) man pages to clear content specific to the C version of Modules and add content specific to or adapt content that behave differently on this Tcl version.
  • Fix TCLSH variable issue in Python init script.

modules-tcl-1.677 (2017-01-04)

  • Make switch command handle a single argument. The modulefile to switch to is the one passed on the command-line and the modulefile to unload is assumed to be the currently loaded module with the same root name as this modulefile specified on the command-line.
  • Make switch command idempotent by always ending up with old unloaded and new loaded, whatever the starting situation is.
  • Fix exit Modules-specific Tcl command.
  • Add refresh command as alias on reload command.
  • Add dummy module-log, module-trace, module-user and module-verbosity Modules-specific Tcl commands to enable support for modulefiles using them.
  • Fix system Modules-specific Tcl command to behave like described on the man page.
  • Fix module list when module loaded with full path
  • Disable g_force property by default to avoid loading a modulefile already loaded. It also avoids path element reference counting to get increased when the same module is asked twice for load.
  • Clarify module-info mode option and set help mode on module help command.
  • Clarify module-info flags and user options.
  • Handle empty or separator path on add-path ad unload-path commands.
  • Delete environment variable targeted by an unsetenv command on unload mode if no value has been provided along. On display mode, print environment variable value if any has been passed to unsetenv command.
  • When setting Tcl variable, enclose value within double quotes.
  • Fix perl quoting style for variable set, escape single quotes rather double quotes.
  • Call unuse command instead of use command on a module unload.
  • Fix continue Modules-specific Tcl command.
  • Add chdir Modules-specific Tcl command.
  • Fix break Modules-specific Tcl command.

modules-tcl-1.655 (2016-11-23)

  • No display of modulepath header if no module found in it.
  • Remove call to module aliases on module avail command, as aliases are now directly included in the avail results.
  • Include module aliases in the displayed result of an avail command. Also display aliases defined in a global or user modulerc file.
  • Exit with error code if error occurred on display or help commands.
  • Fix module-info symbols resolution.
  • Better handling of .modulerc and .version files when searching for a modulefile.
  • Fix module-info version resolution.
  • Fix module-info alias resolution.
  • Register alias and version by the short module name and improve their resolution to avoid loop.
  • Source $MODULERCFILE/modulerc when $MODULERCFILE is dir.
  • Make it so you can do module avail un, wildcard * character implied.

modules-tcl-1.632 (2016-09-06)

  • Raise error if command does not receive the excepted number of arguments.
  • Improve column-mode display to get a denser output on avail command.
  • Standardize the output of Warning, Error, InternalBug and ErrorAndExit messages.
  • Add short option -d for –delim on prepend-path.
  • Introduce collection target concept to distinguish between machines, environments or domains that are incompatible with each other.
  • Introduce saveshow command, to display content of saved collections.
  • Improve save and restore commands to handle collection specified as absolute or relative file path.
  • Introduce saverm command, to delete saved collections.
  • Enable to restore collection with multiple modulefiles specified on the same line.
  • Fix restore command when there is no module to load in collection.
  • Fix restore command when collection fully rewind module paths.
  • Fix restore command to preserve module path order set in collection.
  • Raise error if try to save an empty environment in a collection.

modules-tcl-1.602 (2016-08-13)

  • Add support for Fish shell.
  • Import recent tests added to C-version on 10-use and 50-cmds testsuites.
  • Add short option -d for –delim on append-path and remove-path.
  • Fix load and implement unload x-resource.
  • Fix Python code that was broken or not Python3-compliant. Fixed code is used to define the module command, to render error and to process x-resource.
  • Always dictionary-sort (also called numerical-sort) list of modulefiles or list of collections.
  • Fix bash completion script to be compliant with bash posix mode.

modules-tcl-1.578 (2014-12-24)

  • First release to be described in this NEWS file but it does not mean this is the first version of modules-tcl as this Modules flavor is born in 2002.
  • At this stage, modules-tcl handles a majority of the module commands and modulefile Tcl commands available on C version.